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Meet your English teacher Angie T!

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Angie T

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map markerSouth Africa
user languageNative speaker
thumb up60 positive feedbacks
students25 active students
lessons501 lessons
Lessons taught
About myself
Hello! I'm Angie T., and I’ve been an English teacher since 2022. Throughout my journey, I've had the joy of teaching students from the tender age of 5 to adults, each with their own unique stories and backgrounds. My teaching style revolves around positivity and encouragement. I believe learning should not only be useful but also enjoyable and interesting. That's why my classes are infused with energy and excitement. I use a variety of flashcards and props to keep my learners engaged. My Superpower is transforming vocabulary lessons into exciting treasure hunts, where every word is a hidden gem waiting to be discovered! I'm thrilled to embark on this learning journey with you! Let's make learning English an absolute blast together! I hope to see you soon!
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Angie T

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Sorry, the teacher doesn't have free slots. Please choose another
map markerSouth Africa
user languageNative speaker
thumb up60 positive feedbacks
students25 active students
lessons501 lessons